robotic replacement surgery in Delhi

Dr. Simon Thomas is a joint surgeon in Delhi provides advanced hip replacement surgery. Using technology, surgeon can perform treatments with greater precision and achieve the greatest potential outcomes.

Since the details of your hip’s anatomy can be subtle, accuracy is essential during surgery. Even a small difference in positioning can affect whether your new joint functions well or causes discomfort and limits movement.

Technological precision goes beyond what the human eye can achieve. This level of accuracy allows surgeons to customise their approach to fit your unique anatomy precisely. Consequently, you stand a greater chance of fully recuperating from surgery, getting back on your feet, and returning to your regular activities

What is advanced hip replacement surgery in Delhi?

Advance hip replacement is a surgery where a robot helps the surgeon perform a hip replacement procedure. The tools assists the surgeon with precise movements during the operation. Before surgery, the they uses detailed scans of the patient’s hip to create a 3D plan. During surgery, it helps the surgeon remove the damaged parts of the hip joint and position the new artificial hip joint exactly as planned. The technology may help patients recover more quickly and experience less pain by increasing surgical accuracy.

Process of Hip Replacement in Delhi

With a hip replacement, the operation will be more precisely performed, there will be fewer difficulties, and you will heal more quickly, allowing you to resume your regular activities sooner.

  • Planning: Before surgery, your doctor will use special scans like CT scans to create a 3D model of your hip. This helps them plan exactly how to position the new hip joint.
  • Navigation: During surgery, the surgeon remove the damaged parts of your hip joint.
  • Placement: After removing the damaged joint, the surgeon attaches the new artificial joint.
  • Adjustments: The advance technology also allows the surgeon to make small adjustments during the surgery to ensure the new joint fits perfectly and functions well.
  • Recovery: After surgery, you’ll need time to recover. Physical therapy is often part of this process to help you regain strength and mobility in your hip.

Who needs hip replacement?

When people get older or have a problem with their hip joints, it can become painful to walk or move around. When this happens, doctors might suggest something called a robotic hip replacement.

This means that surgeons use advanced technology to replace the worn-out parts of the hip joint with new artificial ones. These new parts can help reduce pain and make it easier for people to move comfortably again. So, anyone who needs a hip replacement is usually someone who has hip pain that isn’t getting better with other treatments, and they need surgery to fix it using modern technology.

Benefits of hip replacement surgery

  • Faster Recovery: Because the surgery is more accurate, people often recover faster and can get back to doing things they enjoy sooner.
  • Less Pain: With better accuracy, there’s usually less damage to muscles and tissues during surgery, which can mean less pain afterwards.
  • Long-Lasting: The new hip parts are designed to last a long time, so people may not need another surgery for many years.
  • Improved Mobility: After recovery, many people find they can move around better and do activities they couldn’t do before because of hip pain.

Aftercare/Recovery process of hip replacement

  • Hospital Stay: You’ll stay in the hospital for a few days so doctors and nurses can monitor your progress and ensure everything is okay.
  • Pain Management: They’ll give you medicine to manage any pain you might have. This helps you feel more comfortable as your body heals.
  • Physical Therapy: A physical therapist will work with you to show you exercises that help strengthen your hip and improve your movement. This starts in the hospital and continues after you go home.
  • Walking and Movement: You’ll start walking with help from a walker or crutches at first. Gradually, you’ll be able to put more weight on your new hip and walk more on your own.
  • Home Care: When you go home, you might need help from family or friends with daily tasks like cooking, cleaning, and getting around. It’s important to follow any instructions your doctor gives you about how to care for your incision and manage your activity level.
  • Follow-up Visits: You’ll have appointments with your doctor to check how your hip is healing. They’ll ensure everything is going well and answer any questions you have.
  • Activity Restrictions: For a while, you might need to avoid certain activities that could put too much stress on your new hip, like heavy lifting or high-impact sports. Your doctor will let you know when it’s safe to resume these activities

If hip pain is making it hard to do your daily tasks, and treatments that don’t involve surgery haven’t worked, you might be eligible for robotic hip replacement surgery.

If you’re already a candidate for normal hip replacement surgery, chances are you’re also a candidate for advance hip replacement. Your doctor will discuss with you to decide which option suits your specific situation best. After your surgery, your surgeon and the rest of your medical team will keep an eye on how you’re doing, assist in managing any discomfort, and plan out the steps you need to follow to recover at home.

Book a consultation with a “joint surgeon” Dr Simon Thomas and restore your hip mobility conveniently.

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